
The Canadian Go Association can always use help. We have a list of tasks below we have identified, or you can let us know about your skills and we will list you as an available volunteer on this page, with a description of your skills. We’re happy to take suggestions to add to this task list as well. Of course one of the key ways you can support the CGA is to become a member. It may be a Canadian Go organizer not part of the CGA executive wishes to ask some of these volunteers for help; if so contact the CGA executive for contact info.

Registered volunteers not currently assigned a task, or willing to take on more tasks:

  • Tyler Reynolds : Graphics editing. He has a full suite of Adobe products, and the relevant experience to use them from publishing corporate indentities, books and newsletters, etc.
  • Jennifer Snowdon: Artwork. You can see a sample of her work here. She is interested in producing a Go comic; she is confident she can produce the art, but would appreciate help with a storyline. If you are interested contact the CGA. She would also help with general projects requiring art work.
  • Manuel Velasco: Spanish translation. He is fluent, and willing to help translate Go content. Once the new CGA site is stable he may work on a spanish version of the site, but if you need announcements translated he can help with that.


    • Promote go in Canada – Status: ongoing
      Person in charge: YOU!
      Whatever you can do to help promote go in Canada is a good thing. Introduce the game to some friends, try to start a club at your school, or organize tournaments in your city. The Canadian Go Association is here to support you, just consult our programs or contact us!


    • Publish a CGA electronic newletter – We don’t expect to produce anything as elaborate as the AGA E-Journal. However we do want to let CGA members know what is happening in Canadian Go, somewhere between monthly and quarterly. A volunteer who took this on would
      • Watch for events listed on the web site, ask the organizers post event for a review.
      • Pay attention to web site updates, and notify CGA members about the new content.
      • Before publishing query CGA execs and volunteers for updates they want to distribute.

      Of course an inspired volunteer or volunteers can do more than this, but these are the basic requirements.

    • Act as an external relations representative – Status: need volunteer
      Task: Seek sponsorship money on behalf of the Canadian Go Association.


    • Tournament director package – Status: need volunteer
      Task: Create a package for all future tournament directors to inform them how to advertise their tournament. Some things that may also be included in the package would be promotional items for visitors to the tournament and membership forms for people who may be interested in joining the Canadian Go Association.


    • Hikaru No Go on Canadian tv channels – Status: need volunteer
      Task: Look into contacting major TV channels in Canada (ie. YTV or The Cartoon Network) and work with them to take on a project involving Japan’s latest cartoon Hikaru No Go.


    • Translate the CGA website (french version) Ideally when this is implemented the architecture should easily allow more languages later – Status: not started
    • Organize all results from past tournaments – Status: not started
      Pending completion of the database foundation to the CGA website


    • Put the rating system online – Status: not started
      Transfer the rating algorithm online, including the mean to submit game results


  • Move the CGA online registration form to the CGA site instead of the Sabaki site. Ideally filling the online form should directly add them to the database, with status pending. A pending member should function as a regular CGA member, and when payment is received their status should switch to regular member (With start date when they registered online, not when payment was received). If after 1 month payment is not received they should move to status pending-expired, and it will require manual intervention for them to move out of that status. This is to prevent monthly reregistration without payment.
  • Provide better tools for tournament directors to get data into the ratings. TD’s should be able to import player data from the CGA database into some selected pairing programs, and the result files from these programs should be loadable directly to the CGA ratings. The web site should provide links and instructions for these operations.